Sunday, July 25, 2010

Task 065 (064) Video Production

Here is my movie showing some of North America's cinder cone volcanoes with a clip of Jimmy Buffet's Volcano repeating throughout.  The movie was created using Microsoft's Windows Movie Maker downloaded from Windows Live Essentials.  The software for creating movies is easy to use but lacks basic features.  This newest version, which must be downloaded as part of Windows Live Essentials has a completely different layout from the former versions which have previously been included as part of the Windows OS.  

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Task 037 Blog Audio Program

Script: RockJin’s Love
Segment 1

Music 1: Rocky Balboa Theme (5 seconds, then fade under RockJin)
RockJin: Yo Adrian.  I’ve been doin a lot of thinking, and well, I wrote you a little something from the bottom of my heart.  I got my friend, Jack, here to read it to ya. (fades back to Rocky Balboa Theme)
Music 1: Rocky Balboa Theme (5 seconds, then fade to Legends of the Fall Soundtrack)

Segment 2

Music 2: Legends of the Fall Soundtrack
Jack: If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down?  We might, if they screamed all the time for no good reason.
SFX 2: Chainsaw à Scream (fade out to Rocky Balboa Theme)

Segment 3

Music 3: Rocky Balboa Theme (5 seconds, then fades under RockJin)
RockJin: So I, uhh, just wanted to let you know how much I care about you.  Yo Adrian! (fade back into Rocky Balboa Theme)
Music: Rocky Balboa Theme (8 seconds, then fade out)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Task 052 Tutorial Video

If you are visiting my page without an invite, chances are you have yet to set up a Blogger account.  The video tutorial link [found here] demonstrates how to create a Blogger account for first-time users.  Below is a readable tutorial embedded within this blog.  Either of them will make it quick and simple for those who are new, and those who aren't new, to blogging with Google's Blogger.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Task 0210 Editorial Image

The image used is a picture of me with a friend’s son and daughter which was taken last summer in my hometown on the Arial Lift Bridge in Duluth, Minnesota. 

The upper-left image, the original, shows a young girl holding hands with a man, and a boy who is covering his ears.  The two children appear as if they are brother and sister.  The feeling I get from this original picture is a typical summer’s day stroll in a touristy area on a bridge over water.  The weather is sunny and clear, and the temperature is a comfortable room temperature.  The relationship between the man and the children seems to be that of friends or uncle-niece/nephew.  Everyone seems to be happy in the picture.

The lower-right image was created by cropping, desaturating, adding hue and adjusting brightness.  The intent on the creation of the second image was to generate a message to show a closer relationship, perhaps father-daughter to the observer.  I wanted to create that vintage hometown, standard happy American family style image.  The boy was left out of the picture for a couple reasons: 1. His positioning wasn’t proper for my intended message, 2. I wanted a bond between only the man (me) and the young girl.  The desaturation creates, for me, a timeless piece.